Larry, a beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle and friend will be missed terribly by his family and friends. Larry was born on Jan. 3, 1942 in Waterloo, Iowa, and moved to California in 1956. He completed college in California including receiving his Law degree in 1970 and becoming a member of the California State Bar in 1971. He practiced law in both Placer and Sacramento County for over 30 years. Larry loved the law and was known for his sense of humor and his desire for treating people fairly. His other great love was flying. Larry had his own airplane, which he used for business and family vacations. In addition, for the past eight years he has served as the Commander of the Yolo County Sheriff's Aero Squadron. He received commendations for Service Excellence from the Yolo County Sheriff's Department for the years 2000 and 2005, recognition for Excellence in Leadership from the squadron in 1999, and an award for Outstanding Service and Dedication as Commander in 2002.
-Sacramento Bee